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How to Play Crazy Eights: A Step-by-Step Guide to This Exciting Card Game

How to Play Crazy Eights: A Step-by-Step Guide to This Exciting Card Game

Image Source: BlueRoad
Crazy Eights is an exciting and fast-paced card game that players of all ages can enjoy. It is a great game for friends and family as it is easy to learn and simple to play. With its simple rules and a few variations, this game can be a great way to pass the time and have fun. This step-by-step guide will help you understand the basics of the game and get you playing in no time.
By the end of this guide, you'll be an expert Crazy Eights player, having the time of your life! So grab a deck of cards, and let's get started.
standard 52 card deck - rank or suit

Overview of Crazy Eights

Crazy Eights is an exciting card game that two or more players can play. It is a great game for friends and family as it is easy to learn and simple to play. With its simple rules and a few variations, the game can be a great way to pass the time and have fun.
This game has many names, such as Go Fish, Switch, Slapjack, Slap Eight, and many more. In Crazy Eights, players try to get rid of all the cards. To do this, you play one card at a time, following the game's basic rules. Whichever player gets rid of their cards first is the winner of the game.

Basic game

Crazy Eights has basic gameplay using a 52-card set or two cards combined for many players to play. A dealer will randomly give each player six cards, with only two players. The remainder of the packs face up and are piled onto tables as stock for the drawing. It's flipped facing up with the store and placed alongside it so the discard pile begins. Beginning at the player's left and continuing clockwise, each player must play whichever legal card is positioned facing the discard pile or draw an ideal card. This play is permitted.
double deck - played cards - two player game

How to Set Up the Game

Before playing, you will need to set up the game. Ensure all players have a place to put their cards during the game. You will also need to shuffle the deck and lay all the cards face down in a pile. The top card in this pile will be the first card in play.
You will also need to decide how many rounds you will play. The game can be played in as few as two or as many as 12 rounds. Now that you have the setup, it is time to start the game. Players should decide who will go first and the order of play for the rest of the game. The first player will take the top card from the deck (called the stock), and his turn will begin.
turned up card - next card

Game Rules

A game played with a standard deck of playing cards and can be played by two or more players. Each player is dealt a hand of cards from the deck, and play begins with the first player to the dealer's left. The first player will start by taking the top card from the deck and placing it face up in the middle of the playing area.
The player who takes the entire card from the balcony is called the "starter." The rest of the deck (called the stock) is placed face-down next to the face-up card in the middle of the playing area. The remaining cards are placed face down in the stockpile and left for the next player to draw. After taking the top card from the stock, the player's turn ends. The next player in the order of play will now have their turn.
stock pile - seven cards

Strategy and Tips for Winning the Game

Crazy Eights is a typical trick-taking game. The goal is to get rid of all the cards in your hand, and the first player to do so is the winner of the game. You will want to win tricks as they contain cards that can be discarded.
There are two types of cards in the game: face cards and number cards. Face cards correspond to the number of tricks they can win: the Jack of Hearts is the first trick, the Queen of Hearts is the second, and so on. Number cards (otherwise referred to as "Eights") correspond to the number of cards they can discard from your hand. The Ace of Hearts and King of Hearts are worth one card, the 2 of Hearts and 3 of Hearts are worth two cards, and so on. The 8 of Hearts is worth zero cards.
opponent equal - huge number - next player

Advanced Strategies for Experienced Players

There are a few ways to alter the game of Crazy Eights to make it more exciting and challenging for the players. When playing this variation of Crazy Eights, only the face cards are used, and the 8's are entirely removed from the deck of cards.
This makes getting rid of cards from your hand much more challenging, so playing this variation with more advanced players is best. Another variation you can use is to add a joker to the deck of cards remaining. The joker will function like an eight but can also be used as any card you want. As you can use it as any card in the deck, this variation can make it easier to get rid of cards in your hand.

Special Cards

Except for the eight, there is often another card with special effects in play. The basic rule for this type is this. The dealer will treat the player's hand as though they've played a particular card in the first game if the cards that turn out to be ace begin in a clockwise direction. The second player who played the second card must play the dual two cards. The first player is two points behind the dealer if the first card has a queen. If this is the final card played by winning players, it will not affect the bonus effects.

How to Keep Score in Crazy Eights

There are many ways to keep score during the game of Crazy Eights. Before starting the game, you can decide on the scoring method with your playing partners.
Some of the most popular ways of keeping score in include: The first player to get rid of all the cards in their hand wins the game. The player with the fewest cards left in their hand at the end of the game wins. The player with the highest card at the end of the game wins. The player who gets rid of the most cards during the game wins.
There are many different variations of the game, so you can choose which method of scoring works best for the version of the game you are playing.


Crazy Eights is a game that can be modified using variations. In particular, the roles on these special cards can sometimes change. Sometimes additional unique cards are used which have other effects, such as the rule of the queen of spades which requires the next player to take five cards. Almost every gamer has a house rule, and it would be rare for two players to play identically.

Change of clothes

The Special Cards changing suits are usually eight; if not more often than the games Crazy Eight is played. In some countries and regions, the equivalent game goes under a different name, and an additional card is used when changing suit. Sometimes you can play eights matching the suits or rank of the last cards. Some games say you can play eight times, but you don't choose the case if you play an eight. The second player should use that suit for his eight-ball game or play another 8.

Drawing Cards

You can make the cards at any given moment during any play. Nevertheless, certain people play, so you may not play - you must do this. Often drawn cards can be played as soon as they are deemed legally legal. Some allow the draw of more than one card – if you cannot play, the turn passes onto the next player. Other requires that you continue drawing until you are finished, or the board has run out.

Multiple equal cards

Several allow players to hold two or more identical cards for one time playing, only the first being legally played. All these special effects are possible. The next player could play 10 in this order, while the next must play a nine or a heart. The same card can have the same effects. Generally speaking, playing 2 Aces together reverses the same direction twice, leaving no impact on the game.

End of Stock Pile

When stocks run out, it usually requires shuffling the playing pile to make a new inventory. The game can be played without drawing instead of drawing. A player that doesn't want or can't play passes. All passes are blocked. Play ends. Every player scores on the cards left. I'm sure in practice, it's very rarely played.

Last card

Some groups' words need to be mentioned with no cards remaining. A few groups don't ask players with cards that they are warning others.


The number of cards a player gets can differ. In some cases, the first eight cards are arranged in one piece of card.


Crazy Eights is an exciting and fast-paced card game that players of all ages can enjoy. It is a great game for friends and family as it is easy to learn and simple to play. With its simple rules and a few variations, this game can be a great way to pass the time and have fun. This step-by-step guide will help you understand the basics of the game and get you playing in no time. By the end of this guide, you'll be an expert player, having the time of your life!